Saturday, March 26, 2011

MMD Newcomer - Kagamine Moxy

Well, I was bored out of my head and decided to edit one of C'mell's MMD models. I thought I would do Moxy from Cartoon Network's first original series, "The Moxy Show" because I'm pretty much on a nostalgic high right now. Download the pack right here, which comes with the alternate outfit used in later episodes of "The Moxy Show" (or at the time known as "The Moxy & Flea Show):

Unfortunately, PMD Editor wouldn't let me do the black and white color swaps (which would represent the Cartoon Network logo) on his sneakers, if you would look at the real Moxy:

So deal with it for now. I'll do something about it eventually.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Kagamine Twins singing Bed Intruders

Experimenting with UST-to-VSQ conversions again, this time doing a popular song from "Auto-Tune the News" by The Gregory Brothers, called "Bed Intruder". Most parts of the song are off-sync with the instrumental, so when I had to do this, I had to cut most parts to fit with the beats. I also tried autotuning the twins' voices using a GSnap plugin I installed in Sony Vegas.

(If you want)
MP3 d0wnl0ad:

VSQ d0wnl0ad:

Credit to gaticaeitan for the UST.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Sweet Ann's 'Broken Japanese'

I really wanted to test out how Sweet Ann sounds when she sing a Japanese VOCALOID song, so I thought I would do "Mischievous Function", since I haven't really seen any uploads of her actually singing it. It turned out to be "Japapnise" (a definition pointed out once by xxsimscityxx on Sweet Ann's PoPiPo), which I call "Broken Japanese" (since we already have 'Engrish' ;D).

VSQ: OkitaLean, by extracting her UST to convert it into a VSQ file.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Latest PV - Super Mario Bros. Hyadain

I don't really make FANLOIDs sound like someone different for some reason. Jade still sounds a bit like Miku, but I'll fix that later.

Hiro Isamu (voice from Gakupoid) - Mario
Dell Honne (voice from Kagamine Len, VOYAKILOID) - Bowser
Jade Heiwa (voice from Hatsune Miku) - Peach
Mikuo Hatsune - Luigi

VSQ by sango312
PV by ScottFalco

MP3 d0wnl0ad:

Friday, March 4, 2011

Latest FANLOID PV - Mischievous Function by Heiwa Jade

My FANLOID is at it again, singing "Ochame Kinou" (Mischievous Function, or Fukkireta). Also, if you are concerned about the animation loop, was an early loop drawn in Powerpoint 2007 and added to WMM to make the animation. I simply sped the video up in Sony Vegas.

VSQ by me, ripped from OkitaLean's UST (so, most of the credit goes to her.)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Finally up!

Wow, it's like almost been, like 2 years since this site was updated. I was too busy with my life and I completely forgot to edit this site! Anyways, if you haven't checked out my channels on YouTube, here they are:

Will post more soon. Until then, CHECK it.

Friday, January 16, 2009
